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TLDP Job Descriptions

The purpose of this document is to formally record the various volunteer positions that exist within The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP) as it is presently structured.

The following job descriptions have been created so far.

These are job descriptions in progress.

The following position has been proposed by several people on the mailing list, but is on hold until the original set of job descriptions is created.

This is a work in progress. Exclusion of a particular job description does not suggest that the position is not valid or necessary. Conversely, the inclusion of a job description in this document should not be seen as an endorsement of the necessity or validity of that position.

Job Description Template

The following template can be used to describe a position in almost any volunteer organization and serves as the basis for documenting the TLDP job descriptions.

Method For Documenting Job Descriptions

The primary method of determining positions at TLDP is by collecting information from the TLDP volunteer list. The volunteer list information is then expanded and clarified by interviewing, via email, those persons currently holding positions within TLDP. Information is fit into the template.

Additional job descriptions not on the volunteer list will be addressed in a second round of information collection.

Last Modified: 2005-05-23 |  [email protected]