From Thu Apr 16 19:25:06 1998 Subject: Re: MAPGEN STEPS and Commands Requirements: The datum shift requires a file called DATUM_INFO For nad27 locations: For nad83 locations: datum: nad27 datum: nad83 region: conus region: conus (the proj4.3.0 code under src.related/mapgen is identical to the src.contrib/nrcs/libes/proj code.) this uses evendens nad2nad code. A man page for this is under $GISBASE/mapgen/docs/nad2nad. This is a postscript file. ------------------- Xzoom (src.related/mapgen/xzoom2). This is a very nice gui for display of mapgen overlays. There is a postscript doc for xzoom under $GISBASE/mapgen/docs/ ================================================================== BASIC MAP MAKING STEPS USING THE GRASS-MAPGEN INTERFACE GRASS Commands d.vect - a boundary vector layer showing the extent of the area to be mapped. d.zoom - redefine your grass region as close to the area to be mapped. g.region save=name - to save your newly created window GRASS-MAPGEN Interface Commands 1. mapgen4.1 2. make.mapdef 3. make.neatline - to define data area and plot area 4. make.line - to define the extent of the data area relative to the data window. (note: if you do not have gzip/gzcat under $(GISBASE)/tools then you must run -a vector_name prior to running the make.line command) 5. - displays the overlays to the graphics monitor d.ovm - provides a list of overlays to display and erases the screen show.colorchrt - displays the default pen colors create.colortb - creates a default colortable or user defined colortable 6. verbose - to determine how big the map is related to paper size EVALUATE THE DISPLAY TO DETERMINE IF SUITABLE SPACE IS AVAILABLE TO ADD MAP SUPPORT INFORMATION (i.e., bar scale, source note, title, legend, etc.) 7. make.text - add map text like title, source note, legend subtitle show.font - displays mapgen fonts show.char - displays font characters show.size - displays text in user defined size 8. make.line - bring in additional map line layers make.symline - build symbols lines like railroads, pipeline, etc. make.rast - builds a GRASS raster as a line file show.line - shows the mapgen line patterns to the monitor 9. make.label - bring in geographic data area labels 10. make.symbol - bring in geographic data area symbols 11. make.fill - build thematic interps: fill polygon areas with different patterns 12. make.grid - build a geographic grid 13. make.barscale - build a graphic barscale 14. make.arrow - build a north arrow indicator 15. - to plot a hardcopy map GRASS -> GEOREFERENCE COMMANDS TO MAPGEN DIG_GEO LINE FILE - default georeference command build grass vector - builds grass vector for iso line labeling with make.linelabel - builds grass vector with different pen width for flow maps based on values in the dig_att file - builds grass vector file with unique line patterns based on values in the dig_att file - sets label value at a user specified distance in meters. Can be used to place drainage arrows along lines at set distance to allow user to move/delete symbols. GRASS -> GEOREFERENCE COMMANDS TO MAPGEN SITES_GEO POINTS FILE - converts grass site_lists file to mapgen points file - converts grass vector label points and code to mapgen points file - converts grass vector label points and description to mapgen points file. HELPFUL EDITING TOOLS edit.geosites - allows user to reposition labels generated using make.label. works with xzoom. edit.geoarrow - allows user to reposition arrow symbol posted along a line. HELPFUL MAP MANAGEMENT COMMANDS g.list maps g.list geovect g.list geosites g.mapman - online mapgen manual g.copy [maps,geovect,geosite] - converts a binary dig_geo file to ascii - trims the map definition data window using the mouse Note: be careful with this command it tends to trash your map.def.par and map.def file. I normally avoid using this by setting my window in GRASS before running the make.mapdef command. I hope this helps. MAPJILL . Jill R. Schuler / \ USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service /.....\/\ /\ 2627 Redwing, Suite 120 / \_/\_/ \ Ft. Collins, Co 80526 /\/ _/\ --------- _____________________________________________/ FAX:970-282-1930 VCOMM:9010-2418 PHONE:970-282-2418 "A map is the greatest of all epic poems. It's lines and colors show the realization of great dreams." Gilbert Grosvenor, National Geographic Editor