HISTORY of GRASS 4.3/4.2.1 Development

GRASS GIS 4.3 (November 1999)

#251 Final tweeks (BB - 11/10/99)

#250 Tested for Solaris 2.6, 7, and 7intel.

#249 src/sites/s.geom/libes/basic/Makefile
     - changed CC=cc to CC=$(CC) for gcc operatibility

#248 src/sites/s.geom/libes/optri/pqe2qe.c
     - added #include math.h

#247 src/sites/s.geom/libes/basic/basic.c
     - changed fprint -> fprintf on line 85

#246 Minor change to /src/gis/gis.head for GPL (BB)

#245 Tested tcltkgrass with tcl and tk 8.2 libes.  Note: make
     softlink form 8.2 to 8.0 in /usr/local/bin.  Dependencies
     are all ok between versions.  (BB)

#244 moved files_for_binary_installation in src to 

#249 Reordered the GRASS list.  All clean now. (EZ)

#248 Checked and changed all head files to reflect 4.3 (BB)

#247 Tested compile step in Sun Workshop (BB)

#246 Edits to man pages to restructure fo man1 (GDT)

#245 New Solaris 7 header verification.  Found a couple of 
     dependencies for Solaris 7 Intel to watch.
      - Intel Solaris 7 ... best to compile using the
        openwindows X, not the dt X. (BB)
      - obj-killer script to clean up with (thx Markus)(BB)

GRASS GIS 4.3 (25th October - 2nd November 1999)
#244 ok  here we go.  We're moving all of the src.alpha modules
     to src as they have been out for one release and hopefully
     all bugs are worked out.  Many many things too numerous to
     detail.  All fine nothing major.  (grass dev team)

GRASS GIS 4.3 (25th October 1999)
 Published under Gnu Public Licence conditions

#243 added grass4bininstall.sh script for installation of binary
     package (MN)
#242 src.alpha/raster/r.out.mpeg/main.c (MN)
       commented definition of strchr (not required)
#241 src/scripts/shells/sh slide.show.sh
      - bugfix for MAPSET detection (Agus Carr)
#240 src.alpha/raster/r.water.outlet.3.0/over_cells.c (Michel Wurtz) 
      - On some files, r.water.outlet seemed to loop infinitely. Fixed.
#239 changes to src/libes/vask/V_call.c (Jacques Bouchard)
       - RETURN cycles through the input lines (as usual)
       - cursor keys left and right are working (new)
       - cursor keys up and down are working (new)
       - ESC-RETURN  take you out of the screen (modified)
#238 - updated to TclTkGRASS 2.9 (Jacques Bouchard, Markus Neteler)
       - see local history file
#237 - src/general/gis/gis.tail
       removed question dialog "mapset removing" when leaving GRASS.
       This is too dangerous for newcomers (Markus Neteler)
#236 - src/general/gis/gis.shell
       added GRASS-prompt support for bash shell (Markus Neteler)

Version 21 (9. March 1999)
#235 - added TclTKGRASS 2.7 into src.alpha/tcltkgrass (Jacques Bouchard)
#234 - added src.alpha/vector/v.in.shape (Frank Warmerdam - [email protected])
#233 - added r.out.geotiff (src.alpha/scripts/r.out.geotiff) (Jill Schuler)
#232 - changed src/CMD/head/linux: use ncurses instead of curses now (M.N.)
#231 - added XDRIVER and CELL driver to src/CMD/lists/GRASS (M.N.)
#230 - added XFIG import/export scripts (src.alpha/scripts/v.xfig/) (Jacques Bouchard)
#229 - bugfix for e00b2a from src.alpha/misc/m.in.e00 (Michel Wurtz)
#228 - changed i.tasscap to i.tasscap.tm4 and i.tasscap.tm5 
       with corrected TC-factors  (src.alpha/scripts/i.tasscap) (M.N.)
#227 - updated gis.shell (src/general/gis) for bash support in etc/GIS.sh (M.N.)
#226 - added i.image.mosaic (src.alpha/scripts/i.image.mosaic) (Felix Gershunov/M.N.)
#225 - bugfix for v.clean (src/mapdev/v.clean) (Jacques Bouchard)
#224 - bugfix for v.spag (src/mapdev/v.spag) (Jacques Bouchard)
#223 - bugfix for s.voronoi (src.contrib/PURDUE/s.voronoi) (Andy)
#222 - bugfix for r.out.bil (src.alpha/scripts) (Phisan Santitamnont)

Version 20 (7. December 98)
#221 - added full coordinate output to d.what.sites (src.alpha/display) (M.N.)
#220 - Bugfix for r.tiff (src.alpha/raster)  (Jacques Bouchard)
#219 - added m.in.e00 (src.alpha/misc) (Michel Wurtz)
#218 - added m.statistics (src.alpha/scripts) (M.N.)
#217 - small bugfix in i.spectral (src.alpha/scripts) (M.N.)
#216 - v.surf.spline: fixed scripts and Gmakefile
#215 - d.pan: bugfix for middle mouse button (Jacques Bouchard)

Version 19 (22. September 98)
#214 - s.sv (src.alpha/sites/) added (M.N./Jacques Bouchard)
#213 - v.digspline (src.alpha/vector/) corrected (Jacques Bouchard)
#212 - i.shape (src.contrib/CERL/imagery/) corrected (Jacques Bouchard)
#211 - d.param.scale/r.param.scale (src.alpha/display/raster) corrected (Jacques Bouchard)
       and added short man-pages (M.N.)
#210 - more corrections for SGI (Jacques Bouchard)
        - src.alpha/raster/r.nntool/common.h 
        - src.contrib/SDTS/mapdev/v.in.sdts/Gmakefile
        - src.garden/grass.rim/s.db.rim/cmd/Gmakefile 
#209 - added d.what.sites (src.alpha/display/) (Jacques Bouchard)
#209 - added r.to.sites (src.alpha/raster) (M.N.)
#208 - corrected r.poly (src/raster/r.poly): (M.N.)
         - take care of current location settings now (G_Get_region in io.c)
         - outputs rows and cols in progress instead of debug messages
#207 - gdbase ASCII-DBMS running now (code untested section corrected and moved 
        to src.contrib/UCB) (Dr. B. Friedrich / M.N.)
         -r.gdbase, -s.gdbase, -v.gdbase with TclTK interface
#206 - Partly updated PostgreSQL-GRASS interface (untested/dbms/grass.postgres/)
       BTW: You find Postgres 6.x at http://www.postgresql.org
            and a NICE graphical user "PGACCESS" interface at ftp://ftp.flex.ro/pub/pgaccess/
       Any voluneers to update the GRASS interface? (M.N.)
#205 - corrected r.out.arctiff (src.alpha/scripts) - included missing n_s_res 
          in exported .tfw file (M.N.)
#204 - added r.in.arctiff (src.alpha/script) - import of ARCTIFF files (M.N.)
        (thanks to Leslie Apollon  for his hints on tfw format)
#203 - corrected src.contrib/SCS/display/d.fix.ortho: 
         -  moving direction corrected and line draw activated (M.N.)
#202 - added src.contrib/NPS/imagery.29nov93  (M.N.)
         - i.points3  -> merges i.points and i.ortho.photo and has got new LANDSAT
                           elevation correction
         - i.tape.tm3 -> merges i.tape.tm and i.tape.tm.fast and has got new functions
         - i.rectify3 -> merges i.rectify, i.rectify2 and i.ortho.photo 
                          and has got new LANDSAT elevation correction
       => this code needs some bugfixing...
#201 - made r.out.tiff sensitive to regions settings (M.N.)
        - src.alpha/raster/r.tiff/cmd/r.out.tiff.c
        - src.alpha/raster/r.tiff.old/cmd/r.out.tiff.c
#200 - corrected wrong color "violet" in src/scripts/shells/d.correlate.sh (M.N.)
#199 - Changed src/imagery/i.grey.scale/Gmakefile:  stored in 
        etc/bin/main/cmd now to make it also non-interactive usable (M.N.)
#198 - SGI support improved: new head file (thanks to Jacques Bouchard)
         - src/imagery/i.points/mark.c
         - src/raster/r.mapcalc/polish/pol.y
         - src.alpha/raster/r.le/r.le.dist/main.c
         - src.alpha/misc/m.in.stf1.db3/m.in.stf1.db.c
         - src.alpha/misc/m.in.pl94.db3/m.in.pl94.db.c
         - src.alpha/imagery/i.ortho.photo/photo.2target/mark.c
         - src.alpha/imagery/i.vpoints/mark.c
         - src.alpha/raster/r.affinity/inter/classify.c
         - src.alpha/raster/r.nntool/nntool.c
         - src.alpha/sites/s.geom/libes/basic/basic.h
         - src.alpha/sites/s.geom/libes/include/basic.h
         - src.contrib/SDTS/mapdev/v.sdts.dq.cp/cmd/main.c
         - src.contrib/SDTS/misc/m.sdts.read/Gmakefile
         - src.contrib/SDTS/mapdev/v.out.sdts/Gmakefile
         - src.contrib/SDTS/mapdev/v.out.sdts/control.c
         - src.garden/answers/raster/r.fill.dir/cmd/mp.h
         - src.garden/grass.rim/v.db.rim/cmd/misc.c
         - src.garden/grass.rim/v.db.rim/cmd/vect_map.c
         - src.garden/grass.rim/v.db.rim/cmd/site_list.c
         - src.related/rim/run.setup
#197 - updated Gmakefiles (compiler options corrected) (M.N.)
         - src.garden/grass.rim/s.db.rim/cmd/Gmakefile
         - src.garden/grass.rim/v.db.rim/cmd/Gmakefile
         - src.garden/grass.rim/v.db.rim/inter/Gmakefile
#196 - bugfix for CELL driver: PROJ and ZONE info defined to Zero (0) now.
         - src/display/devices/CELL/Graph_Clse.c
#195 - added src.alpha/raster/r.distance
#194 - changed name of XDRIVER_24 to XDRIVER (simplifies installation,
       XDRIVER_24 supports 8bit as well as 24bit) (M.N.)
         - src/display/devices/XDRIVER_24/XDRIVER24/Gmakefile
#193 - g.help: switched key's meaning of ESC and SPACEBAR 
       (for more intuitive usage) (M.N.)
#192 - added src.alpha/raster/r.out.pov (POVRAY export module)
       (thanks to Klaus Meyer )

Version 18b (22. July 98)
# - removed src.related/tcltkgrass  (TCL/TK 8.0 library sources)
    removed src.related/xgrass      (lesstif sources - MOTIF clone)
    Stored separately on the WWW-server now.
# - moved   src.related/LTPlus_4.13 (digitizing program)
            src.related/mapgen_6.25 (Map creating program)
                into separated packages on server. (M.N.)
# - removed more than 1050 oldish backup files (these files are saved, email
       me, if you need them!) (M.N.)
# - removed src.alpha/tcltkgrass - get it in a separate package!
    The reason is more flexibility in updating this package.

#191 - corrected src421/src/CMD/lists/GRASS: removed double entries
#190 - added src421/src/CMD/head/solaris2.5 and solaris2.6
#189 - added i.oif (calculate Optimum index factor for LANDSAT TM) (M.N.)
#188 - correction to src421/src.alpha/imagery/i.gensig/inter/Gmakefile (put binary 
       code into alpha section instead of main)
#187 - removed src421/src.contrib/CAST/r.colors.paint/ (already in src.alpha)
#186 - corrected src421/src/CMD/lists/GRASS:
         - disactivated src/v.mkgrid (src.contrib/PURDUE/v.mkgrid is improved)
#185 - src.alpha/display/d.barscale: draw_scale.c added fflush(stdout) (M.N.)
#184 - src/display/d.what.vect: what.c added fflush(stdout) for better
       use in TclTKGRASS (thanks to Jacques Bouchard!)
#183 - added  -DATT_386 flag in src421/src/CMD/head/linux for i.in.erdas
#182 - src/raster/r.in.ll corrected, handles properly negative cell values now 
        - src/raster/r.in.ll (thanks to Jacques Bouchard)
#181 - src.alpha/raster/r.in.bin: new "-s" flag and "subst" option for GTOPO30 files
#180 - src.garden/answers/raster/r.direct: corrections to direct_for.f (thanks to Jacques Bouchard!)
#179 - d.3d changed to suppress the annoying empty result window that 
       jumps at the end of the execution (thanks to Jacques Bouchard)
        - src/display/d.3d/threeds.c
#178 - src/mapdev/v.prune: added v.support-check for input files (M.N.)
#177 - added src.alpha/raster/r.in.ppm (M.N.)
#176 - bugfixes in ASCII database management system "GDBASE" (M.N.)
          - new Gmakefile
          - corrections for tcl-tk-query windows
#175 - created Gmakefile for POSTGRES interface (M.N.)
#174 - Removed "chmod 0555 grass42/scripts/*" from (G. Chou - [email protected])
       due to Solaris problems (writing into the scripts directory)
       Inserted "chmod 755 $(GISBASE)/scripts/*" into
           src.alpha/scripts/Gmakefile (last line)
#173 - r.hdf: src.alpha/raster/r.hdf/r.in.hdf/Gmakefile (Jacques Bouchard)
          -> $(VASK) changed to $(VASKLIB) (was a Solaris/Redhat compiling problem)
#172 - ps.map Segmentation Fault on Solaris 2.6
       fix in libgis.a:  in src421/src/libes/gis/strip.c 
        (thanks to Clifton Wood )
#171 - src.alpha/raster/r.water.outlet.3.0: main.c - error message corrected
#170 - src.alpha/raster/r.affinity: comment syntax corrected
#169 - src.alpha/raster/r.agnps50 (thanks to George Chou - [email protected])
       correction in Gmakefile (thanks to George Chou)
#168 - src/libes/gis/G.h:
       change to fix the "Too many open files" problem (thanks to George Chou)

Version 17 (12. June 98)
#167 - RIM/GRASS interface:
        - corrected src.garden/grass.rim: working (!?) now
        - added src.garden/grass.rim.new from Marco Valagussa  
#166 - RIM help system updated
#165 - RIM-database updated! 
       src.related/rim (was untested/dbms/rim)
       (thanks to Marco Valagussa !)
             -> should be compilable on Linux now
#164 - src.alpha/raster/r.tiff (thanks to Marco Valagussa)
       (old version stored in src.alpha/raster/r.tiff.old/).
       Changes for TIFF - library management: 
        now the libtiff of the system is used:
#163 - changed #-lmalloc with $(LIB_MALLOC) (thanks to Marco Valagussa!)
#162 - bugfix: src/mapdev/v.digit/digmain.c (thanks to Marco Valagussa!)
               src.alpha/display/d.sites.label (from untested section)
#161 - XGRASS: little fixes for compiling with MOTIF: 
                   (thanks to Marco Valagussa!)

#160 - d.3d (src/display): added missing color=color parameter for (M.N.)
                           command line usage
#159 - LTPlus (src.related): corrections in LIBRULE management. (M.N.)
                            package should be compilable now...
Version 16a (29. May 98)
#158 - restored i.grey.scale (sorry for that!)
#157 - slight corrections to src421/src.contrib/SDTS (M.N.)
         -> added to compiling list src/CMD/lists/GRASS

Version 16 (23. May 98)
#156 - added  src.alpha/vector/v.distance (thanks to Janne Soimasuo)
          Calculates a distance from a point to nearest line or point in vector layer
     - added  src.alpha/vector/v.plant (thanks to S.J.D. Cox at AGCRC, CSIRO, Australia)
          Inserts nodes in equidistance into vector map
     - added src.alpha/scripts/s.out.gps (many thank to Johnny Duke at NRCS)
     - added polygon cutter with vector attributes: src.alpha/scripts/v.cutter.attr 
     - added ARC/INFO TIFF export (with .tfw file): src.alpha/scripts/r.out.arctiff
#155 - added Tasseled cap (Kauth Thomas) transform: src.alpha/scripts/i.tasscap
     - added linear regression calculation:  src.alpha/scripts/r.regression.line 
     - added module to digitize a vector line between two given raster values 
                  in a raster map: src.alpha/scripts/r.edge.dig
     - added display raster module with automated visualization rescaling:
          (many thanks to Dr. Agustin Lobo )
#154 - added (many thanks to Jill Schuler ) 
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.export (replace old SCS code)
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.import (not yet activated, compare
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.in.atlas
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.in.dlg_atr
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.out.atlas
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.out.mapinfo
      -  src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.zoom
#153 - added src.alpha/ps.map/scripts/ps.map.barscale
       (thanks to Malcolm D. Williamson, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR)
#152 - renamed src.contrib/SCS/vector/v.proj -> v.proj.scs to avoid
       confusion with src.alpha/mapdev/v.proj
#151 - totally rewritten TclTKGRASS V 2.0! Many, many thanks
       to Jacques Bouchard ([email protected])
         -> new module concept, new module windows etc. etc.
#150 - XGRASS: applied all patches from Jacques Bouchard      
         -> xdigit working now (avoid double clicks on filename etc.!)
#149 - changed all src/CMD/head files: new compiler variables
  inserted following lines:
   FC                  = f77 
   LEX                 = lex
   YACC                = yacc

 changed following Gmakefile: (see also patch #130)
Version 15 (30. April 98)
#148 - added src.alpha/vector/v.digspline into src/CMD/lists/GRASS
  (modified v.digit with spline interpolation)

#147 - change in src/CMD/head/linux
< LDFLAGS             = -Wl -s
> LDFLAGS             = -Wl,-s

#146 - correction for src/raster/r.binfer (Redhat Linux compiling problem fixed now)
       added following line into binfer.l:
         %option yylineno
       See below also for LEX-problem!

#145 - correction of src.alpha/mapdev/v.proj  (sorry, should have been 
       already applied as patch #16, Dec. 1997), file main.c
<       char ctype[3];
>       char ctype[1];

#144 - lots of patches from Marco Valagussa . Thanks!!
       They are the following 18 patches:
#143 - src/display/d.sites/cmd - Added exit status 0 if ok
 file main.c:
<       exit(0)

#142 - src/libes/gis - Added flush the stdout before get the ..
file gets.c:
<       if ( isatty(1) ) (void)fflush(stdout);

#141 - src/raster/r.mapcalc/polish - Compilation problems fixed
 file pol.y:
< %{
< static int nstored = 0;
< static char **storage = 0;
< extern char *malloc(), *realloc();
< %}
> static int nstored = 0;
> static char **storage = 0;
> char *malloc(), *realloc();

#140 - src/mapdev/v.clean - Correct loop on lines# & use of variables
       file Vclean.c: - diffs see there (several)

#139 - src/mapdev/v.digit - Conditional use of VMIN-VTIME/VEOL-EOF
                       for use on old unix systems
       file graph_input.c:
       file set_key.c:  - diffs see there

#138 - src.alpha/vector/v.circle/cmd - Correct some (unbelievable) bugs
       file: main.c: - diffs see there (several)

#137 - src.alpha/raster/r.agnps50 - Correct the installation
       file: Gmakefile

#136 - src.alpha/sites/s.label - Correct definition for argv & use G_gisinit()
       file: s.label.c: - diffs see there

#135 - src/CMD/utils - extended setup version 
       file: setup: - diffs see there

#134 - new file src/CMD/utils/testyacc.y - test yacc/bison
#133 - new file src/CMD/utils/testlex.l  - test lex/flex & library

#132 - src/CMD/generic - delete absolute pathname for mknod
       file: GISGEN.sh

#131 - src/CMD/generic - Inserted the include directory for ncurses.
       file: make.mid: - diffs see there

#130 - There were problems using YACC/BISON, LEX/FLEX, CURSES/NCURSES so 
  script utils/setup was extended for these choice and the Gmakefiles
  changed for the use of yacc/lex.
  This are the Gmakefiles modified for $(YACC) / $(LEX) / $(LEXLIB):
   - src/raster/r.mapcalc/polish/Gmakefile
   - src/raster/r.combine/cmd/Gmakefile
   - src/raster/r.weight/inter/Gmakefile
   - src/raster/r.binfer/Gmakefile

Version 14 (19. April 98)
#129 - MAPGEN improved (gzip, gzcat added, xzoom corrected, better startscript) (M.N.)
#128 - added ARCVIEW/SHAPE-utils in src.alpha/vector/v.shape   activated in            
        src/CMD/lists/GRASS: (there are more)   (M.N.)
     -> src.alpha/vector/v.shape/v.shp2gen  (convert SHAPE to ungenerate)
     -> src.alpha/vector/v.shape/v.gen2shp (convert ungenerate to SHAPE)
     -> src.alpha/vector/v.shape/v.shputils
     -> src.alpha/vector/v.shape/v.dbfdump
           (thanks to Janne Soimasuo for finding the package)
#127 - added src.alpha/scripts/ps.add.pagesize (M.N.)
#126 - added src.alpha/vector/v.digspline (M.N.)
#125 - in src421/src/CMD/head :
      diff linux.orig linux
------------ cut here -------------------------------
< LDFLAGS             = -s
> LDFLAGS             = -Wl -s
------------ cut here -------------------------------
    The Redhad f77 doesn't understand "f77 -s" but "f77 -Wl,-s".
    With gcc, you can use as well "-s" and "-Wl,-s".

#124 - in src/display/devices/XDRIVER_24/XDRIVER24 (thanks to Jacques Bouchard)
       corrected Gmakefile:
------------ cut here -------------------------------
< XINCPATH=-I/usr/X11/include
< XLIBPATH=-L/usr/X11/lib
> #XINCPATH=-I/usr/X11/include
> #XLIBPATH=-L/usr/X11/lib
------------- cut here ------------------------------

#123 - in src.alpha/tcltkgrass/module :
        Prevent to use Display/Manage/Control Display Monitor:
   file d.mon
------------- cut here ------------------------------
<     -yscrollcommand {.cmd.frame2.vscrollbar set}
>     -yscrollcommand {.cmd.frame2.vscrollbar set} \
<     -yscrollcommand {.cmd.frame3.vscrollbar set}
>     -yscrollcommand {.cmd.frame3.vscrollbar set} \
------------- cut here ------------------------------

  and file: d.rast  - thanks to Marco Valagussa
------------ cut here -----------------------
<   menu .mapset.frame0.mapsets.pulldown -tearoff 0
>   menu .mapset.frame0.mapsets.pulldown
------------ cut here -----------------------

#122 -  src421/src.alpha/sites/s.geom/libes/optri:
   Changed back to original and saved two files for bsd-linux:
    mv heur.slope.c heur.slope.c.bsd
    mv heur.slope.c.orig heur.slope.c
    mv pqe2qe.c pqe2qe.c.bsd
    mv pqe2qe.c.orig pqe2qe.c

Version 13 (15. April 98)
#121 - new LTPlus_4.13 added (Many thanks to Jill Schuler!) (M.N.)
       several corrections were necessary:
#120 - new MAPGEN_6.25 added (upgrade in src.related/mapgen_6.25) (M.N.)
       (Many thanks to Jill Schuler !)
       several corrections were necessary:  
#119 - coming along with this package: proj 4.3 
       (binary will be stored in grass42/tools/)
#118 - tcltkgrass free of binary code now (platform independent)
       -> new start script  src.alpha/tcltkgrass/script/tcltkgrass
        unless "super view" is not implemented properly
#117 - activated src.alpha/raster/r.in.bin in src/CMD/lists/GRASS
#116 - src.alpha/ps.map changed: patch, which enables user to choose one vector
                   category to print from a vector file (thanks to Janne
                   Soimasuo, Finnland!)
       in src421/src.alpha/ps.map/ps.map/cmd/
                do_vectors.c, vectfile.c, ps_vector.c, vector.h
#115 - src.alpha/ps.map/ps.map/cmd/read_cfg.c
       added:     #include  (correction of raster read error)
       Thanks to Richard Nairn 
#114 - added src.alpha/raster/r.sunmask (thanks to Janne Soimasuo)
#113 - added src.alpha/scripts/s.in.gps
#112 - added src.alpha/scripts/v.in.gps
#111 - src/general/g.help/menu.c
       changes in menu.c  (Thanks to Jacques Bouchard !)
#110 - renamed d.vect.cat -> d.vect.cats
        in src.contrib/CAST/d.vect.cats/Gmakefile
#109 - added fill polygon function to d.vect.cats (thanks to Janne Soimasuo, Finnland!)
#108  - renamed r.out.sites -> r.to.sites
        in src.contrib/CORPS/r.to.sites/Gmakefile
#107 - renamed d.rast.leg.sh -> d.rast.leg
       and moved src.alpha/display/d.rast.leg/ -> src.alpha/scripts

Version 12 (1. April 98)
#106- NEW STRUCTURE: all src.extra modules are now in src.alpha
                to keep the CERL/BAYLOR structure
#105- src.alpha/tcltkgrass: running now! Only super view is missing (many 
      thanks to Jacques Bouchard !!)
#104- src.alpha/scripts/r.out.bil added (thanks to T. D'Avello for grass2bil)

Version 11a (21. March 98)
#103- r.out.hdf is available now: corrected Gmakefile in  (M.N.)
#102- moved programs from zzz_extra to src.related (to keep the structure)
#101- XGRASS: added src/xgrass/xgrasteredit (M.N.)
#100- TclTK-Grass: new version (cleaned source code) for Tcl/TK 8.0
      in src.extra/tcltkgrass/
#99- src.extra/sites/s.sample updated
#98- src/raster/r.infer - corrected for Redhat Linux, Solaris and Slackware
        'sys_errlist[errno]' should be replaced with 'strerror(errno)',
        which IS 'ANSI C', and which should be understood by EVERY
        C compiler. 
#97- removed src.extra/raster/r.flow (was already in src.alpha-section)
#96- corrected SGI-head file (removed space characters in end of line)
#95- GRASS-SDTS software added in src.contrib/SDTS/

Version 10 (11. March 98)
#94- added src.extra/tcltkgrass  -> Tcl/Tk-GRASS might be interesting 
                                  instead of XGRASS 
#93- updated man-pages as far as possible (for g.help, g.manual)

#92- added src.extra/sites/s.in.ascii.dem 
#91- added src.extra/scripts/d.rast.leg
#90- new Gmakefile for AGNPS 5.0
   in    src.extra/erosion/grass_agnps50

#89- added untested/driver/hpd500c
#88- added untested/gnuplot/g.gnuplot.3d
#87- added untested/sites/s.normal/cdhc-lib
#86- added untested/usle.tcl
#85- added src.related/LTPlus/documents
#84- corrected Gmakefiles in src.contrib/CERL/raster/r.linear.regression
#83- the correction for r.infer was removed. The original infer.h is
   back again

Version 9  (3. March 98)
Major changes:
#82- new library file: 
    is replaced by a completely new source code. 
    A minor bugfix was done in
    Thanks to Michel Wurtz! - 
    It should produce nice results now.

#81- a lot of bugfixing in XGRASS-section (but it is still not yet
     Thanks to Jacques Bouchard who is programming all these XGRASS improvements!        

#80- src.extra/raster/r.flow
    diff -c calc.11a.c calc.11a.c.orig 
       *** calc.11a.c  Fri Feb 27 12:13:41 1998
       --- calc.11a.c.orig     Tue Jul 25 20:51:50 1995
       *** 354,359 ****
       --- 354,360 ----
       +     free(fls);

#79- r.in.hdf/r.out.hdf available:
    -corrected src.alpha/raster/r.hdf/HDF.lib/Makefile
    -corrected src.alpha/raster/r.hdf/r.in.hdf/Gmakefile 
    -corrected src.alpha/raster/r.hdf/r.out.hdf/Gmakefile
    The module should work now for all platforms. Choose you platforms
    in HDF.lib/Makefile, it is now installed for SUN and Linux. 
    -src.garden/grass.hdf is obsolete -> deleted!
#78- corrected src.contrib/CERL/raster/r.rvi
#77- correction for src.extra/r.tiff/r.in.tiff
#76- new Gmakefile for AGNPS 5.0
    in    src.extra/erosion/grass_agnps50
    and new install-intructions there.

Minor changes:
#75- corrected all head-files in src/CMD/head : 
     < DEFAULT_DATABASE    = $GISBASE/grass_data
     > DEFAULT_DATABASE    = $(GISBASE)/grass_data

#74- renamed following modules in src.extra:
      r.frac.surf  -> r.surf.fractal
      r.gauss.surf -> r.surf.gauss 
      r.rand.surf  -> r.surf.random

   renamed src./display/d.p.labels -> d.paint.labels

#73- included src.garden/answers erosion modelling
#72- moved src.extra/raster/r.fill.dir
   to src.garden/answers/raster where it belongs to.

#71- included CELL-driver in src421/src/CMD/lists/GRASS
   This CELL-driver outputs all results of the d. display-commands
   into a raster file (resolution can be set with g.region)
#70- included src.extra/paint/p.vrml from untested section
#69- added src.extra/raster/r.in.bin (thanks to Jacques Bouchard)
#68- included src.contrib/CORPS/r.to.sites
#67- included src.contrib/CORPS/FLOOD

BETA 8  (5. Feb. 98)
#66- Added src421/zzz_extra
      - moved mpeg-encoder from src.alpha/raster/r.out.mpeg to this place
      - added netcdf-libs for r.stage3 (lib has to be compiled separately)
      - added lesstiff (version 0.83, from 4. Feb. 98)
        has to be compiled separately
           - install package somewhere
           - say: configure
           - say: make
           - say: make install
           - say: make clean
           - feel happy
        (Successfully tested on Slackware Linux with gcc 2.7.x)

#65-  Compilation of XGRASS:
           - Change gmake4.2 to HASMOTIF=yes
             (Thanks to Jacques Bouchard for the diffs)
         - Then you should be able to compile XGRASS without Motif
        -> tell me your improvements.

#64- Added src421/src.related (untested)
         - LTPlus           (untested)
         - mapgen/xmapgen   (untested)
         - gctp             (successfully tested on Linux)
         - xgen             (untested)

BETA 7  (4. Feb. 98)
Special thanks to Jacques Bouchard!

#63- Redhat users: if you have problems to compile r.infer and r.binfer:
        -> in the directories src/raster/r.binfer and
           you find new files (extension: .redhat) which help
           to fix these problems. You have to exchange the
           original files with these new files
#62- included src.contrib/NMSU/WRAT 
      - ga/ga.c:  include definitions corrected (colons deleted)
      - wrat/ta.c: include definitions corrected (colons deleted)
      - wrat/runoff.c: the same
      - wrat/qual.c: the same
      - and so on.
      - remove.c remove -> Remove

      - wrat is called r.wrat now.

#61- src.alpha/misc/m.in.pl94.db3/m.in.pl94.db.c  
      Sucessfully patched - diff-file is there

#60- src.alpha/misc/m.in.stf1.db3/m.in.stf1.db.c  
      Sucessfully patched - diff-file is there

#59- src421/src.alpha/raster/r.flow/ 
      I have corrected the Gmakefile: $(DIR) was wrong.

#58- included src.contrib/OTHER/v.in.poly
#57- included src.contrib/OTHER/v.reg (for registration of 7.5" maps)

#56- removed src.contrib/OTHER/s.to.rast (obsolete, already in src.alpha)

#55- src.contrib/CERL/imagery/
    i.rvi.prediction2 -> i.rvi.prediction (renamed)
    included in src/CMD/lists/GRASS

#54- src.contrib/CERL/raster/r.ndvi.model
    corrected Gmakefile (module was stored at ./ and not in binary tree)

#53- src.contrib/CERL/raster/r.ndvi.model
    corrected globals.h: NBANDS was undefined:
        #define NBANDS 3
    (taken from ../../imagery/i.rvi.prediction)

    corrected main.c
      line 44:
           opt2->mutilple   = YES;
           opt2->multiple   = YES;
    some error is still there.

#52- Corrections for the FIRE package (r.spreadpath etc.)
    There were several errors in Pi-definition:
    float PI=3.14159

    Errors like:
     gcc -O -m486  -I/usr/local/grass42/src421/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c
     spread.c:48: parse error before 3.14159265358979323846
     make: *** [OBJ.linux/spread.o] Error 1

   After commenting these PI-definitions in
     main.c - line 51
     spread.c - line 48
     select_linksB.c - line 36
     spot.c - l.61

   it compiles fine on Slackware Linux gcc 2.7.1
#51- some new comments in src/CMD/lists/GRASS 

#50- restructured src.alpha/raster/r.in.hdf  (nearly running now)

BETA 6  (29.1.98)
#49- the package was splitted - documents are in an extra package
    now (because of package size)
#48- the instructions were improved to be more clearly
#47- corrections src/mapdev/v.in.dxf
    (thanks to Jacques Bouchard  )

      In file included from add_bounds.c:5:
      dxf2vect.h:53: >basename< redeclared as different kind of symbol
      /usr/include/string.h:245: previous declaration of >basename<
      make: *** [OBJ.linux/add_bounds.o] Error 1
      Changed >basename< into >base_name< in:
#46- added r.affinity classifier to src.extra/raster section

BETA 5  (27.1.98)
#45- XDRIVER24 restructured !!
      find XDRIVER 8bit:  src421/src/display/devices/XDRIVER_8
      find XDRIVER 24bit: src421/src/display/devices/XDRIVER_24
    (moved XDRIVER24 from src.extra to src/display/devices and 

#44- included d.area, d.barscale, d.myzoom, d.pan
#43- update for r.bilinear: irint defined (thanks to George Chou - [email protected])
#42- update for r.nntool (thanks to George Chou - [email protected])
#41- new: - src.contrib/NRCS/raster/r.in.doq - reads in an uncompressed USGS
                                            Digitial Orthophotography  
         - src.contrib/NRCS/vector/v.report - this file works but it is picky
                      about the dig_cats file.  It wants a line for 0:nodata 
                      and it appreciates it if the number of attributes are 
                      numbered beginning with one.
         - src/mapdev/v.mkquads - same as other but you can make quarter 
                                quads, thirds, 1x3 
    => Thanks to Anthony Burns 
         (email: KY#c#KY.BLNKY01#c#[email protected])
#40- included v.line2area from moon.cecer.army.mil into src.alpha/scripts
    (useful for v.in.dxf3d)
#39- updated documents (included GRASS 4.2 docs) and history.
#38- new section:
       files_for_binary_installation/   -> postscript printer devicefiles
    read README there for installation
#37- renamed untested/raster/r.read -> r.in.milgeo (module for german MilGeo-Data)
#36- restructured documentation

BETA 4  (19.1.98)
#35 - the corrections for v.build and v.clean are included.
       Many thanks to Michel Wurtz - LTE 
#34 - one new module: v.what (query vector categories)

BETA 3 (11.1.98)

#33 - cleared off some unused source code from src.contrib/SCS
      to avoid confusion.
#32 - g.help gives problems while compiling, commented out in
      Who can help? But I think it is not serious to miss the module...
#31 - bugfix for ps.select integrated
#30 - bugfix for v.support (the old 4.1.5 bugfix from CERL) in level_two.c
#29 - update r.param.scale (Version: Jo Wood, 23rd May, 1995)
#28 - added several modules to src421/untested-area
#27 - several new modules in src.extra-section (partly from untested-section) 
         with small corrections (see Whats-new-in-421.html)
#26 - extended src421/documents/modules/ - documentation


#25)  New modules:
        r.tiff  (src.extra) - but 8bit version only!
        r.le version 2.2 (src.alpha)

#24)  Deleted some modules in untested/ area which are already
      in src.alpha.

BETA 1 (7.1.98)

#23) Problem 2: The v.digit does not have contact to GRASS Monitor.

Solution (thanks to Michel Wurtz): 

v.digit compiles, but doesn't work
because an old assumption on Termio : in System V.2, reading a
serial line without the need of a LF is possible, but the driver
wait at least VMIN char on input or VTIME ms before returning
anything.  In older termio libs, VEOF=VTIME and VEOL=VMIN (or
the opposite), but this is not true with Linux
(See /usr/include/asm/termbits.h).

If you want run v.digit you should edit line 50 and 51 of the
file "set_key.c", replacing VEOL and VEOF by VTIME and VMIN.

This is for keyboard entry. I have not yet tested the digitizers,
but I'm sure that it will not work without editing "graph_input.c"
at lines 598 and 599, doing the same change.

Michel Wurtz    ENGEES - Laboratoire Territoires & Environnement
                1, quai Koch - BP 1039, F-67070 STRASBOURG cedex

                [email protected]

Other solution:

 Take the libcurses from Slackware 3.3 (to be installed in /usr/lib)

#22) r.nntool: could not be compiled.

Solution   (thanks to Michel Wurtz):

 Obviously, the external declarations are often missing... and
 some are redundant (and may be false, like FILE *fclose() !)
 nint() is used as a function, and a cast to integer.  I have
 replaced all occurences by (int) which is correct with gcc.

Changes to basic GRASS 4.2 from Baylor University (Dec. 1997)

#1) The first problem appears here (with Linux, not with Solaris):

  >make -f OBJ.linux/make.rules
  >gcc  -o /home/phisan/tmp/grass4.2/etc/front.end OBJ.linux/main.o
  >  /home/phisan/tmp/grass4.2/src/libes/LIB.linux/libgis.a
  > /home/phisan/tmp/grass4.2/src/libes/LIB.linux/libgis.a(gisinit.o): 
  >In function G__gisinit':
  >gisinit.o(.text+0xc): undefined reference to G__set_program_name'
  >gisinit.o(.text+0x1b): undefined reference to G__location_path'

  cd ../src/libes/gis/
  textedit Gmakefile

  Remove the character '#'.
   #   intr_char.o\

  Should look like this: (intr_char will be used in i.class)

  Comments are not allowed here (and unnecessary!).

#2) You _might_ get a problem in d.3d:

   textedit src42/src/CMD/head/linux.head
     CURSES              = -lncurses $(TERMLIB)
     CURSES              = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)

#3) r.combine:

    OBJ.linux/gis_lxcl.o: In function yylex':
    OBJ.linux/gis_lxcl.o(.text+0x5a1): undefined reference to yyinput'
    make[1]: *** [/usr/local/grass42/etc/r.combine] Error 1

 Solution: yyinput() is for C++, use input() for linux flex 

    modify src/raster/r.combine/cmd/gis_lxcl.l - line 176 
        change from 
           while ((achar=yyinput()) != 012) 
           while ((achar = input()) != 012) 

  (idea from KANG from GRASS 4.1.5)

#4) r.nntool (1)
    > cc -O -m486 -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/mapdev/Vlib
    > -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/mapdev/diglib
    > -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c net.cnet.c:41:
    > /usr2/grass4.0/src/libes/gis.h: No such file or directory
    > make: *** [OBJ.linux/net.o] Error 1
   cd ../src.alpha/raster/r.nntool

   Edit net.c
    Change in line 41:
       #include "/usr2/grass4.0/src/libes/gis.h"
       #include  "gis.h"

  Also edit Gmakefile
   Remove second line:
     BIN_ALPHA_CMD = .
   Then the binary file will be installed in the correct directory.

#5) r.nntool (2) Several files had been corrected.
    Thanks to 
      Michel Wurtz    ENGEES - Laboratoire Territoires & Environnement
      [email protected]

#6) r.cn
    > cc -s -o /usr/local/grass42/etc/bin/alpha/cmd OBJ.linux/main.o
    > OBJ.linux/cell_open.o OBJ.linux/hy_soil_group.o OBJ.linux/cell_open_new.o
    > OBJ.linux/rules.o OBJ.linux/data.o OBJ.linux/amc_conversion.o
    > /usr/local/grass42/src42/src/libes/LIB.linux/libgis.a -lm
    > /usr/i486-linux/bin/ld: cannot open output file
    > /usr/local/grass42/etc/bin/alpha/cmd: Is a directory
    > make: *** [/usr/local/grass42/etc/bin/alpha/cmd] Error 1

     cd src.alpha/raster/r.cn
     textedit Gmakefile

     Delete lines:
            # %W% %G%
            BIN = $(BIN_ALPHA_CMD)

     Change line:
            $(BIN)/$(PGM): $(LIST) $(LIBES)
            $(BIN_ALPHA_CMD)/$(PGM): $(LIST) $(LIBES)

#7) r.agnps
    source code is obsolete: this code is oldish!

    Use AGNPS 5.0 with GRASS-interface:
    - also included in grass42/src.extra -section (src421-package)!

#8) r.bilinear
   > OBJ.linux/bilinear.o: In function Bilinear':
   > OBJ.linux/bilinear.o(.text+0xa17): undefined reference to 'irint'
   > make: *** [/usr/local/grass42/etc/bin/alpha/cmd/r.bilinear] Error 1
   > GISGEN failure at STEP: src.alpha/raster/r.bilinear
   outcell[out++] = irint (ns_fract * tmp2 + (1 - ns_fract....)

   Function "irint" does not exist in gcc!
     correct the function in this line (delete character "i"):
        irint (ns_fract * tmp2 + (1 - ns_fract....)
        (int)rint (ns_fract * tmp2 + (1 - ns_fract....)

    Thanks to Phisan Santitamnont  
              [email protected]

#9) r.in.hdf

   > cc -O -m486 -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/../src.contrib/grass.hdf/HDF.lib/include
   > -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/mapdev/Vlib
   > -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/mapdev/diglib -D
   > -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c r.in.hdf.c
   > r.in.hdf.c:0: malformed option -D -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/include'
   > r.in.hdf.c:15: gis.h: No such file or directory
   > r.in.hdf.c:16: df.h: No such file or directory
   > r.in.hdf.c:17: hdf.h: No such file or directory
   > make: *** [OBJ.linux/r.in.hdf.o] Error 1

   r.in.hdf uses the NCSA Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) library: BEFORE
   compiling this program, you must compile the library (see the README
   file in src.garden/grass.hdf for instructions on compiling the HDF

   Solution: not today.... (who needs this module at all?)
    kick it out of: src/CMD/lists/GRASS  (comment it out with #)
    change entry in: src/CMD/next_step/linux


   Only with MOTIF (commercial)!
   Solution: ---------- (maybe lesstif etc.?)

   kick it out of: src/CMD/lists/GRASS   (comment it out with #)
   change entry in: src/CMD/next_step/linux

#11) r.rvi

    > cc -O -m486  -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c main.c
    > main.c: In function main':
    > main.c:26: BANDS' undeclared (first use this function)
    > main.c:26: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
    > main.c:26: for each function it appears in.)
    > main.c:44: structure has no member named utilple'
    > main.c:58: ' undeclared (first use this function)
    > main.c:64:       inputfiles' undeclared (first use this function)
    > main.c:67: outputfiles' undeclared (first use this function)
    > make: *** [OBJ.linux/main.o] Error 1
    > GISGEN failure at STEP: src.contrib/CERL/raster/r.rvi

 Solution: ---------- 
 kick it out of: src/CMD/lists/GRASS  (comment it out with #)
 change entry in: src/CMD/next_step/linux

#12) d.linegraph

    > cc -O -m486  -I/usr/local/grass42/src42/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c
    > linegraph.c
    > linegraph.c: In function Main':
    > linegraph.c:77: conflicting types for Fclose'
    > /usr/include/stdio.h:113: previous declaration of Fclose'
    > make[1]: *** [OBJ.linux/linegraph.o] Error 1
    > make[1]: Leaving directory
    > /usr/local/grass42/src42/src.contrib/PURDUE/d.linegraph/cmd'
    > make: *** [all] Error 1

 Solution: fclose and fopen were repeated defined 
   comment out line 77 in the 
    src.contrib/PURDUE/d.linegraph/cmd/linegraph.c file 
     /*   FILE *fclose(), *fopen(); */
  (idea from KANG from GRASS 4.1.5)

#13) d.vect.cats

 problem - compiled successfully but doesn't run correctly 

 why -  pointer error 

  modify the src.contrib/CAST/d.vect.cats/plotCat.c - line 91 
        change from 

  (idea from KANG from GRASS 4.1.5)

#14) problems with the ps.map command (Linux)
       1. the ps.map needs to be compiled with the -fwritable-strings flag
       2. the way is to edit the src/CMD/head/linux header file
             + add -fwritable-strings at the end of COMPILE_FLAGS line
               COMPILE_FLAGS = -O -fwritable-strings
             + cd to src.alpha/ps.map
             + simple run gmake4.2

#15) src/mapdev/v.build

  problem - compiled successfully but doesn't run correctly 

  why - GRASS codes were not cleaned up before release 

    comment out line 176 and 177 in src/mapdev/Vlib/level_two.c 

    (idea from KANG from GRASS 4.1.5)

#16) src.alpha/mapdev/v.proj

  problem - compiled successfully but doesn't run correctly 
    produce lots of garbage output for files in the dig_att directory 

  why -  ????? 


    modify src.alpha/mapdev/v.proj/main.c - line 27 
        change from 

    (idea from KANG from GRASS 4.1.5)

#17) s.surf.tps

    Problem: compiling is fine, but module does not work

      textedit user1.c
      insert definition of atof() at top:

          double atof();

    (mail from J. Hovierka)

#18) src.contrib/SCS/vector/v.dump

  Problem: does not compile, ABS definition missing.

  Solution: Insert the ABS-definition: in isle_area.c

    isle_area (map, isle, totalarea)
    struct Map_info *map;
    int  isle;
    double *totalarea;

    isle_area (map, isle, totalarea)
    struct Map_info *map;
    int  isle;
    #define ABS(x)          (((x) < 0) ? -(x) : (x))
    double *totalarea;

#19) r.hydro.casc2d is obviously missing!

    Problem: There is an error in the Gmakefile.
      cd src.alpha/raster/r.casc2d
      textedit Gmakefile
      Insert linebreak in this line:
      Like this:

      And remove line:
#20) r.sun is obviously missing!

    Problem: There is an error in the Gmakefile.
      cd src.alpha/raster/r.sun
      textedit Gmakefile
     Uncomment (remove #):   

      And remove line:

#21) i.tape.spot is obviously missing!

    Problem: There is an error in the Gmakefile.
      cd src.alpha/imagery/i.tape.spot
      textedit Gmakefile

     Insert at beginning:
      PGM = i.tape.spot

     Change line:
       i.st: $(LIST) $(LIBES) $(VASKLIB)